Archive | February, 2013


4 Feb

Yes you read that correctly, Alpha-traz.

If you’ve ventured to the bottom of’s FAQs you may have wondered at the question “How can we get Alphatraz to play at our next event?” 

AlphaUSA is lucky enough to have several musically talented employees (yes, engineers can rock out too) and they have formed their very own rock band Alphatraz.  Many Alpha employees have taken part and our own President & CEO, Chuck Dardas,  is often playing bass!

Alphatraz has played events such as Alpha’s “Rock-tober Fest” and loves to host jam sessions with musicians from across the country (and across the border) with recent guests from places like Philadelphia and Toronto.

How’s that for “after 5”?


Chuck Dardas – Bass Guitars & Vocals, Susan Parker Stewart – Vocals, Harmonica, Chuck Shimco – Drums, Vocals, and Robert Stewart – Guitars